FORE! Updates and Giggles
Hold tight! The best is yet to come!
We appreciate the fan support and your eagerness to view the latest in our web comedy series. Episodes 5 and 6 are coming…we promise!
In the Meantime…
We love introducing the cast on Facebook. Our FORE! followers have met the foible-prone funny guy “Bob,” played by Damon Rexroad. They’ve also weighed in on “player” Cory “Hart-throb” Hart. And we do mean “player.”
We recently shouted out “Timmy,” the disheveled and eccentric groundskeeper played by Brian Treybig, whose checkered real-life work history earned him the role.
<——- Seeing is believing. Not to be outdone is “Vlad” played by Evan King. The name “Vlad” (and Evan’s striking countenance) may have viewers thinking vampire, but he’s harmless. Or rather, he’s our mischievous Russian character who debuts a Speedo in episode 2.
As you can imagine, fans love these zany characters, including lead female cast member “Liz” played by Erin Reed, who won the part based largely on the preposterous hole-in-one yarns she spun during auditions.
Nemesis “Hamilton” played by Werner Richmond looks intimidating behind those dark shades, but fans (**spoiler alert**) learn in episode 4 that he was named after… Santa Claus? Trust us, you’ll have to view it to get the whole picture.
We applaud creator, executive producer and lead actor Scott Pitney—the brains behind the series. His job is a lot like “herding cats.” By some miracle his hair has not yet turned totally gray… but we’re working on that.

Wow! The months have flown by and our cast and crew have grown!
We’ve had a ton of fun with golf pro Tom Byrum in the cast. His recurring role is made even funnier as he guest stars with Doug Pike of SportsTalk 790. What a pair! We look forward to many future episodes with them both and are fortunate the have them on board. They’re a hoot!
Most recently we’ve hit the trifecta with the addition of another golf pro, this time CBS and Golf Channel’s Billy Ray Brown. We welcome him to the cast with open arms (and a golf cart and putter). He’s already adding a new element of hilarity to episodes 5 and 6, which are currently in production. We can’t wait to share the hijinks!
You’re sure to love what the future holds, and we thank our loyal fans for following along—all 672 and counting on Facebook. Join us, won’t you? Then you’ll get to see the posts, including David Letterman’s Top Ten Reasons Why Golf Is Better Than Sex… and Golf Digest’s List of “The Most Annoying Golf Partners.” This is, after all, a comedy web series.
We guarantee that golf has never been this funny!