More than a half million Houstonians fish and hunt, and as many or more enjoy other pastimes in the great outdoors … like camping or sailing, birding or backpacking, kayaking or hiking. Doug Pike shares their passions for the outdoors and has done so since he grew up here in Houston.
Running a close second to the outdoors for Doug is golf, a game he knows well and plays every chance he gets. To learn more about everything that makes Houston the center of the outdoors universe and a world-class golf destination, turn to Doug Pike and The Doug Pike Show.
Doug is a native Houstonian whose interest in the outdoors was apparent from the time he could crawl — and often did, right out the door and into the yard. Since then, he has fished and hunted throughout North America and the Caribbean … even as far away as Sweden, but his roots are right here in Texas.
During 20-plus years as an outdoors writer and broadcaster, Doug has won more than 100 awards from state and national associations for his writing, broadcasting, photography and editing.